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Marianne Heaslip

Homebaked Community Land Trust (CLT), URBED design

Marianne is an architect with interests in urban design, sustainable architecture, and participative design. She originally joined URBED as an urban designer in 2002 during a second year out, before returning to university to complete the Diploma in Architecture course at The University of Sheffield. She then continued to work for URBED as a trainer on the ‘Homes by Design’ and ‘Neighbourhoods by Design’ courses whilst at university and whilst working for PTEa in Liverpool. She returned to URBED in September 2009 to work on sustainability, masterplanning and architecture projects. At the same time she enrolled on the MSc Architecture: Advanced Environment and Energy Studies course at the Centre for Alternative Technology, which she completed in early 2012, receiving a distinction.

After gaining experience of participatory design processes at URBED, Marianne continued to develop an interest and expertise in this area, completing her MArch dissertation on participation in the design process. She continues to pursue this work through projects such as Toxteth Food Central and Homebaked. She also has both research and design experience in the field of low carbon and low energy design, in new build and retrofit projects at a range of scales. Throughout her time in practice she has also gained experience of working with existing buildings and in historic contexts.

Marianne has also more recently developed expertise in the field of Building Performance Evaluation. Her MSc thesis research was an evaluation of a group of 80% carbon reduction ‘Retrofit for the Future’ properties, to test their performance and the response of residents. She is also involved in a Technology Strategy Board funded Building Performance Evaluation study of Igloo’s Bermondsey Square development in London, and is responsible for the post-completion audit of Igloo’s schemes against their sustainable investment policy ‘Footprint’. This considers energy use, carbon and comfort alongside issues of regeneration, urban design and ‘health happiness and wellbeing’.