for the
Not Yet
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‘Training for the Not-Yet’, convened by Jeanne van Heeswijk with many collaborators, aims to build together a curriculum of community learnings. made of performative workshops, theoretical frameworks, learning objects and test sites.

‘Training for the Not-Yet - A collective online publishing platform'

Collectively created concept:
Studio Jeanneworks, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Bobby Sayers, Janneke Absil, Maurits de Bruijn

Janneke Absil, Bobby Sayers

Studio Jeanneworks, trainers, training participants, BAK basis voor actuele kunst ('Trainings for the Not-Yet' trainings description text derives from BAK's 'Trainings for the Not-Yet exhibition guide"), image descriptions by Bobby Sayers and Carla Arcos.

Website design and development:
Maurits de Bruijn

Tom Janssen

Additional photo's:
Janneke Absil, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Bakudapan Food Study Group, Louisa Aarrass, To Be Determined (TBD), Stranded FM, Nwel Saturay.
Supported by CBK Rotterdam (Centre for Visual Arts Rotterdam), Bankgiro Loterij Fund / Stichting DOEN, Creative Industries Fund NL and Pictoright Steunfonds.
Supported by CBK Rotterdam (Centre for Visual Arts Rotterdam), Bankgiro Loterij Fund / Stichting DOEN, Creative Industries Fund NL and Pictoright Steunfonds.