‘Training for the Not-Yet’, convened by Jeanne van Heeswijk with many collaborators, aims to build together a curriculum of community learnings. made of performative workshops, theoretical frameworks, learning objects and test sites.
‘Training for the Not-Yet - A collective online publishing platform'
Collectively created concept:
Studio Jeanneworks, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Bobby Sayers, Janneke Absil, Maurits de Bruijn
Janneke Absil, Bobby Sayers
Studio Jeanneworks, trainers, training participants, BAK basis voor actuele kunst ('Trainings for the Not-Yet' trainings description text derives from BAK's 'Trainings for the Not-Yet exhibition guide"), image descriptions by Bobby Sayers and Carla Arcos.
Website design and development:
Maurits de Bruijn
Tom Janssen
Additional photo's:
Janneke Absil, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Bakudapan Food Study Group, Louisa Aarrass, To Be Determined (TBD), Stranded FM, Nwel Saturay.